October 10, 2024

The Lee Family

This family has such a special place in my heart. Teresa and I met in first grade – first grade! – I think she was the very first friend when I moved to a new town as a kid. We grew up together, went through awkward years of puberty together, and then both moved on after high school to different colleges and locations. Fast forward several years after my move out to Oregon and she called me to say she was also moving to Oregon! Small world, am I right? I remember once we went on a walk together – me with my 3 month old – and her telling me about her very first date with her now awesome hubby. Fast forward to now, 12 years later, and we have 5 girls between us both. Time. Flies.

Scroll down to see our fun evening together. The laughter in their girls and seeing how loved they are just fills my heart, so so much.

Thanks you, sweet Lee family for trusting me to document your love.


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