September 5, 2015

A Playdate

A few weeks ago I was asked to come to a moms group/playdate and take some photographs since two of the moms would be moving away soon – these moms all met at the local midwifery birth center and have around the same age babies, sweet babbling little 8-9 month olds.  I happily accepted, and it was such a fun evening of laughs, cries, and good ol’ fashioned amazing mothering.  A baby would cry, and they responded.  One needed to nurse, so the others joined along. It reminded me of ‘village’ you so often hear about but don’t often see these days – mothers being there for one another in support and friendship, a bond that keeps us sane in these early days of motherhood that can often feel so isolating. Amazing job ladies!  And a giant thank you all for letting me tag along, I feel honored.


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