Week 22 | 52
This was such an awesome week due to the fact I learned a bit more about self portraits from an amazing photographer at the Out of the Box Collective in Denver. I was in a group of about 30-40 other women during this session, and I found myself feeling a bit shy practicing in front of the rest of them. I decided to hike up the trail just a bit and found a little creek. I may have looked a little crazy sitting in a creek, but it felt so right in such a beautiful, peaceful setting.
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We had a week of cold and wet weather and this is from a day we finally got outside for a hike. We identified wildflowers, talked about the weather, and giggled together. A perfect little jaunt.
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A hike to one of our favorite places of all time. I sat on the ledge with my little, who also happens to be my biggest cuddler, and took in the valley views while sneaking kisses.
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A trip to a beach a few miles away from us in which the kids named ‘Bambi Beach’