Oh dear March, I just adore your blooms and your teases of summer (even if this particular March was a lot more winter like).
We started off the month noticing some flowers right away. Always such a welcome sight after months of rain and snow.
We headed up to the mountains for a day with friends, and it felt a bit like we bid adieu to the snow.
I practiced some freelensing portrait work with with a great friend and fellow photographer. I could freelens portraits all day everyday.
We got outside a lot. Exploring the property, and hiking on a rare day off together. My soul food, as always.
The girls played make believe with dinosaur eggs, and they decided a part of our property was a ‘moss castle.’ I could truly watch them play and imagine all day long and be happy.
We visited a local cultural/natural museum, and the girls learned about Mount St. Helens and dinosaurs. More fuel for their imagination.
Finally we ended the month with a short jaunt through our favorite place to pick fruit in the summer and fall.
Continue on this blog circle by heading over the to the crazy talented Christina Narvarros blog!
MAGIC, PUUUURE MAGIC! My favorite month of yours yet. These are just so beautiful & mesmerizing, April!! <3
I love all the blossoms!!
Hey lady, how is every. single. one. of these so utterly magical and perfect??? I swear you take the cake for creative composition and your freelensing completely showcases that talent.
I love the sparkly water and the pink trees are amazing!!!