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This week was our first camping trip with just our family. It started off a bit stressful as my oldest got a pretty intense mosquito bite reaction, but after some reassurance from her doctor we headed back up and we were so thrilled we did. We stayed at a camp that’s been special to us since we moved to Oregon 10 years ago, we spent many kid-free years here both as boyfriend/girlfriend then newlyweds. It’s pretty cool to see how much it’s changed over the years, just like we have as a family, and grown more in tune and deeper in love as a couple. It’s trips like this my soul comes home just full, and I feel closer than ever to my little tribe.
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The annual lavender festival. I had planned to bring a tripod to capture a few shots here, but forgot because well… mom brain. I decided to ask my lovely friend Devin to take my camera and she snuck a few shots of the girls and I cutting lavender together. I don’t know what it is about this shots in particular, but I’m going to cherish these shots forever. Thanks for being my human tripod, Devin.
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One of our favorite, easy hikes and a good workout is about a mile from our house. We love to hike here at sunset as it’s very close and some of the best sunset views around. The girls both asked to take a photo with me, which as you can imagine I was more than thrilled about.
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This week my man was off backpacking, so my friend and our families escaped upriver to hike. It ended up very hot outside, so the kids naturally stripped down to their bare bottoms and jumped in the creek. We played for hours on the creekside, under a cascade of waterfalls and the perfect little dipping hole you see here. My rad friend Devin (she rocks!) once again agreed to take my camera and sneak a couple shots of my little and I. I love our joy in these shots!
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We ended the month with another camping trip this time with our good friends. We camped at yet another one of our favorite hike in camps, getting out on the water every chance we could. The last night my friend Devin and I (I see a theme here, haha) snapped a few portraits under the stars. Oh summer, j’adore.
See you all next month. <3